
Oracle Database 19c: New Features for Administrators


Oracle Database 19c: New Features for Administrators

Durată: 2 zile

Certificare: Oracle Database 19c Admin Professional

Cui îi este dedicat cursul?

Database Administrator

Cunoștințe și abilități inițiale


Prezentarea cursului

The course provides the Oracle Database 19c new features and enhancements related to database overall, security, availability, performance, data warehousing, and diagnosability.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul

In the lessons, you learn the new and enhanced features of Oracle Database 19c amongst different areas such as database overall, security, availability, performance, big data and warehousing, and diagnosability.

Topics of the database overall module cover new features such as DBCA, OUI and Data Pump enhancements.

Topics of the security module cover enhancements such as key management of encrypted Oracle-managed tablespaces in TDE, and Database Vault operations control.

Topics of the availability module cover enhancements in RMAN such as recovery catalog connection when user is connected to target database as PDB.

Topics of the performance module cover enhancements such as PDB-level ADDM analysis, Memoptimized Rowstore - Fast Ingest deferred writes, and enabling SQL developers to use Real-Time SQL Monitor.

Topics of the data warehousing module cover enhancements such as hybrid partitioned tables and automated indexing.

Topics of the diagnosability module cover new features such as an end-to-end automated service for fault prediction, detection and fixation to avoid or minimize the human intervention, and new service request data collections determining the data to collect for crucial errors.

Topics of the sharding module cover enhancements such as the support for multiple PDB-shards in the same CDB and of multiple table family for system-managed sharding.

Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului
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You can earn certification Oracle Database 19c Admin Professional after completion of following courses:

and pass the certification exams:

  • 1Z0-082 - Oracle Database Administration I
  • 1Z0-083 - Oracle Database Administration II

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