
Oracle Database 19c: Backup and Recovery


Oracle Database 19c: Backup and Recovery

Durată: 5 zile

Certificare: Oracle Database 19c Admin Professional

Cui îi este dedicat cursul?

Database Administrator

Cunoștințe și abilități inițiale


Prezentarea cursului

In this course, students learn how to perform backup and recovery based on the related Oracle Database architecture components. Various backup, failure, restore, and recovery scenarios are provided so that students learn to evaluate their own recovery requirements and develop an appropriate strategy for backup and recovery procedures. This course includes an interactive workshop, with scenarios that provide participants with opportunities to diagnose and recover from several failure situations.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul

The student begins by gaining a deeper understanding of possibly the most important job of a DBA - backup and recovery. The concepts and architecture that support backup and recovery, along with implementation in various ways and situations are covered in detail. Students gain knowledge of the Recovery Manager (RMAN) command-line interface for various backup, failure, restore, and recovery scenarios, including data duplication.



Develop appropriate backup and recovery procedures to address your business needs.

Implement backup and recovery settings and perform backup operations to disk and tape.

Employ Oracle Database recovery procedures to recover from media and other failures.

Diagnose and repair data failures.

Use flashback technologies and data duplication to complement backup and recovery procedures.

Secure the availability of your database by appropriate backup and recovery strategies.


Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului
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You can earn certification Oracle Database 19c Admin Professional after completion of following courses:

and pass the certification exams:

  • 1Z0-082 - Oracle Database Administration I
  • 1Z0-083 - Oracle Database Administration II

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