
PL-400T00: Microsoft Power Platform Developer


PL-400T00: Microsoft Power Platform Developer

Durată: 5 zile

Certificare: Power Platform Developer Associate

Cui îi este dedicat cursul?

Candidates for this course design, develop, secure, and troubleshoot Power Platform solutions. Candidates implement components of a solution that include application enhancements, custom user experience, system integrations, data conversions, custom process automation, and custom visualizations. Candidates will gain applied knowledge of Power Platform services, including in-depth understanding of capabilities, boundaries, and constraints. Candidates should have development experience that includes JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful Web Services, ASP.NET, and Power BI.

Cunoștințe și abilități inițiale

Candidates should have an introductory knowledge of Power Platfom

Candidates should have development experience that includes JavaScript, JSON, TypeScript, C#, HTML, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, RESTful Web Services, ASP.NET, and Power BI

Prezentarea cursului

The Microsoft Power Platform helps organizations optimize their operations by simplifying, automating and transforming business tasks and processes. In this course, students will learn how to build Power Apps, Automate Flows and extend the platform to complete business requirements and solve complex business problems.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul

How to build your first model-driven app with Dataverse

Get started with model-driven apps in Power Apps

Manage tables in Dataverse

Create and manage columns within a table in Dataverse

Working with choices in Dataverse

Create a relationship between tables in Dataverse

Define and create business rules in Dataverse

Create and define calculation or rollup columns in Dataverse

Get started with security roles in Dataverse

Get started with Power Apps canvas apps

Customize a canvas app in Power Apps

Manage apps in Power Apps

Navigation in a canvas app in Power Apps

How to build the UI in a canvas app in Power Apps

Use and understand Controls in a canvas app in Power Apps

Document and test your Power Apps application

Use imperative development techniques for canvas apps in Power Apps

Create formulas that use tables, records, and collections in a canvas app in Power Apps

Perform custom updates in a Power Apps canvas app

Complete testing and performance checks in a Power Apps canvas app

Work with relational data in a Power Apps canvas app

Work with data source limits (delegation limits) in a Power Apps canvas app

Connect to other data in a Power Apps canvas app

Use custom connectors in a Power Apps canvas app

Get started with Power Automate

Build approval flows with Power Automate

Introduction to expressions in Power Automate

Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform developer resources

Use developer tools to extend Microsoft Power Platform

Introduction to extending Microsoft Power Platform

Introduction to Dataverse for developers

Extend plug-ins

Performing common actions with client script

Automate business process flows with client script

Get started with Power Apps component framework

Build a Power Apps component

Use advanced features with Power Apps component framework

Work with Dataverse Web API

Integrate Dataverse Azure solutions

How to build your first model-driven app with Dataverse

Get started with model-driven apps in Power Apps

Manage tables in Dataverse

Create and manage columns within a table in Dataverse

Working with choices in Dataverse

Create a relationship between tables in Dataverse

Define and create business rules in Dataverse

Create and define calculation or rollup columns in Dataverse

Get started with security roles in Dataverse

Get started with Power Apps canvas apps

Customize a canvas app in Power Apps

Manage apps in Power Apps

Navigation in a canvas app in Power Apps

How to build the UI in a canvas app in Power Apps

Use and understand Controls in a canvas app in Power Apps

Document and test your Power Apps application

Use imperative development techniques for canvas apps in Power Apps

Create formulas that use tables, records, and collections in a canvas app in Power Apps

Perform custom updates in a Power Apps canvas app

Complete testing and performance checks in a Power Apps canvas app

Work with relational data in a Power Apps canvas app

Work with data source limits (delegation limits) in a Power Apps canvas app

Connect to other data in a Power Apps canvas app

Use custom connectors in a Power Apps canvas app

Get started with Power Automate

Build approval flows with Power Automate

Introduction to expressions in Power Automate

Introduction to Microsoft Power Platform developer resources

Use developer tools to extend Microsoft Power Platform

Introduction to extending Microsoft Power Platform

Introduction to Dataverse for developers

Extend plug-ins

Performing common actions with client script

Automate business process flows with client script

Get started with Power Apps component framework

Build a Power Apps component

Use advanced features with Power Apps component framework

Work with Dataverse Web API

Integrate Dataverse Azure solutions


Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului

In this Microsoft Official Course, students will learn how to build Power Apps, Automate Flows and extend the platform to complete business requirements and solve complex business problems.

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