
DevOps Tools Fundamentals


DevOps Tools Fundamentals

Durată: 5 zile

Certificare: Diploma de participare

Cui îi este dedicat cursul?

Those who want to use DevOps to overcome everyday IT infrastructure challenges more efficiently.

Cunoștințe și abilități inițiale


Prezentarea cursului

If you’re facing issue of decreased frequency of deployment, high new releases failure rate and longer lead time between fixes than modern DevOps is the answer for your problems. DevOps looks at software development in a whole new way. Let’s take advantage of DevOps to overcome day-to-day IT infrastructure challenges in a more efficient and effective manner.

Modern DevOps in Practice will introduce you to modern Development Operations (DevOps), how to utilize it in your development environment work with tools.

After this course you’ll be able to bring more automation and standardization to the development process, human errors can be significantly reduced and it will be best practices more efficiently shared across teams.

Continuous delivery will help you save time setting up and fixing your working environments. Additionally you will learn about the fundamental principles and how to transform your team into one that follows the core of DevOps.

By the end of this course you will feel comfortable with what DevOps are used and  how to utilize modern day tools to better ship code and provide high availability environments.

Ce subiecte abordează cursul

Docker :

  • Images and Containers
  • Application Container Management
  • Orchestration and Delivery

Kubernetes  :

  • Gain a basic understanding of Kubernetes Fundamentals
  • Develop Kubernetes Configuration Files in YAML
  • Deploy Kubernetes Cluster on local systems
  • Deploy Applications on Kubernetes
  • Setup ReplicaSets, Services and Deployments on Kubernetes


  • Set up and deploy a Jenkins server across different platforms via Docker
  • Design development workflows that enable continuous integration and then easily integrate with Jenkins
  • Explore community plugins and use them to extend core Jenkins functionality
  • Set up a freestyle project as well as a view to manage your projects
  • Apply continuous integration and delivery to your workflow
Ce abilități se dobândesc în urmă cursului

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